Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Despicable Rapeublic

The Delhi bus gang-rape has re-instilled the horror in our minds of staying in a country, where major security problems are taken with a pinch of salt by the govt. NGOs and feminist organizations have been crying out for years to increase the security for women, to include sex education in the curriculum—to the ears of our indifferent government—filled with extremely misogynistic ministers who are in a way or the other, instrumental in violence against women. It has come to a situation now—that you sweat profusely when a woman from your family goes out of the house.
There is a need for a complete change in the attitude towards women. Women's commodification and the gender-bias approach in films, schools, and offices needs radical reform. And while that process is taking place, we need on-ground changes, such as better policing, change in the education system, and more.
Btw, sorry Mr. Katju – I know this gang-rape is not the only problem in India. But it reflects the upbringing of the people in our country, hence a graver problem. And the protest—unfortunately in this country, is important to get yourself heard. It’s not ‘hue and cry’ in vain.

What according to you is the solution? Death punishment for the accused? Stricter Laws? Social Change?


  1. Death punishment for this insanity is an understatement, there punishment should be severe. It needs to happen in a such a way that others who fancy raping get scared even if they think about it. I am not the government nor the lawmaker but being as an Indian, i vote for strict laws against this kind of crime.

  2. I agree with the above view, the punishment should be severe because then only will they realize the gravity of the crime committed.But in India most of the families do not teach their boys how to respect girls and this is where the whole problem lies. Schools in turn have a dividing line between girls and boys. They grow up with sick mentalities and you won't believe I came across a man who said everything was that girl's fault. That was the cheapest thing I have heard in ages. It is the thought process that should be changed, from conservatism to liberalism. The change may take a lot of time but making laws stricter don't take hell lot of days.

  3. Aman options that you've suggested above can be the solution for this case but now this is not that's not the only thing required. We need to eradicate the "concept of rape" and for that we don't need regressive moral/religious teachings.We need to raise boys and girls as equal s and we need to enforce the constutional guarantee of equality at home at workplace and on the streets.Most of all,we need to liberate women from the "fear of rape",which is treated with horror not because it is violent but because it is thought to be violative; it is thought to shame and dishonour the victim and rob her of her core.
